SeyN AQ - Civil War [Big Room House]

The last pre-release from Ponies at Dawn Guardians is here! While being just one day away from the big party, let’s savor one last early taste of what is promising to be a mighty album, before it blows us all away during the live release stream. See you all there! Edit: It was found out a while after the release of this track that SeyN AQ had bought the rights to this track, so it has effectively been ghost produced for him. Ghost produced means produced by one artist, the ghost producer, for the other artist, here SeyN AQ, who actually releases it as their own track. It’s quite terrible because it feels like he’s been lying to us that whole time, but we’ll still keep this track up. Just keep in mind that it wasn’t actually made by SeyN AQ. The rest of the description below is unchanged and still reflects the delusion I was in back then. SeyN AQ certainly started their musical adventure among the pony music scene with a bang, presenting us his gorgeous “Paris By
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