Friday Freakout: Bridle Wraps Around Skydiver’s Foot, Failed Mr. Bill Exit

Get your TEEM gear here: For licensing/usage please contact licensing@ and reference CS-000420 ___________________________________ *WHAT HAPPENED* Mr. Bill exits can get a little spicy, and this one was no exception. On this Mr. Bill attempt, the pilot chute and bridle got caught under the other jumper’s leg and then wrapped around his foot. Fortunately, they were able to unwrap it and both jumpers landed safely. For those unfamiliar with the term, a “Mr. Bill” is a skydive where one jumper holds onto another as the second person deploys their parachute. If the skydiver manages to hold on during the deployment process, they then hang around with their friend for a bit, then let go into freefall before opening their own parachute. *WHY DID IT HAPPEN* The Laws of Probability Mr. Bill exits are particularly tricky (read: potentially dangerous) and have a high chance of going awry. Some dropzones very specifically prohibit
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