Friday Freakout: Skydiver Lands In Field, Almost Hit By Car... WTF?!
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Nearly getting hit by a car when you’re landing off-DZ in a field typically isn’t something you’d expect to happen, but that’s exactly what happened here!
This skydiver knew they were not going to safely make it back to the dropzone so, being an experienced jumper with intimate knowledge of the off-landing sites in the area, they decided early to pick a safe place to land. They set themselves up for an up-wind landing down a stretch of access road cut between two plots of farmland. Then, as they were just 10 or 15 feet off the ground, a Jeep comes tearing past them! (Turns out it was another jumper who had been driving in the area looking for a canopy that had been cutaway.)
Target Fixation
This jumper knew where they wanted to lan