DVI DEŠIMTI SŪ (For Only Twenty Sous) Salomėja Nėris. Aivaras Dočkus.

FOR ONLY TWENTY SOUS (Salomėja Nėris, english translation: Aivaras Dočkus) An autumn rain in Paris And lights in avenues, Please, buy sweet-smelling flowers For only twenty sous. There are white and the red ones, You hardly can refuse, Today no food... not once! For only twenty sous! I have sopped all my hairs, My plaits are wet and loose, Some flowers, oh, Messieurs, For only twenty sous! Hang on, at least few flowers, Please do not make excuse! I’m sinking here in showers For only twenty sous! My frozen fingers sighing, In front of me no views, My lifetime! I’m dying Due only twenty sous! (English Translation of the Lyrics by Aivaras Dočkus)
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