интересный приемчик с Cookie Cutter

//TEXT VERSION// #1 For this you’ll need four videotracks. Drop your picture of choice into the first videotrack. Right click on it - Video Event Pan/Crop - 16:9. Place it somewhere on the left size and maybe resize it a little bit #2 Go to Video Fx - Cookie Cutter - “Square, Center, White Border“ and add it to the picture. Change “Border“ to 0, “Repeat X“ to 3 and the size to . Change it so it’s on the left side. #3 Re-do this with the next three pictures (same preferences) but move a little bit to the right side with every picture (I left a really small black streak between the pictures) #4 Resize the clips so they form a pyramid. #5 Go to Transitions - Linear Wipe - “Top-Down, Soft Edge“ and at it to the beginning and ending of every clip
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