LOD Planets in Unity #3 | Edge Fans | Programming Projects 1.2

This video documents how I solved the problem of cracks appearing between quads of different LODs on my procedural planet in Unity. My solution involves something called edge fans. The edge fans are added to the edges of certain quads to create a smooth transition between the different LODs. I do this using bitwise operations, transform matrices, quadtrees and much more. It might sound a bit complicated, but everything is based on pretty basic concepts, which I explain in the video. If you do, however, find something that you want to ask me about, please do! I will try to be as active and helpful as I possibly can in the comment section, so just ask me there :) The programming that goes into making a video like this helps me become a better programmer and makes me more familiar with tools such as Unity3d. I’d highly suggest that you push your limits too and try to create something amazing. / Simon Holmqvist GitHub: The previ
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