1985-12-31 fear... very simple three mantras (Ganapatipule, India)

...Another thing, a child doesn’t have any fear, child doesn’t have any fear. Ganesha has no fear at all. In the same way you should have no fear, no fear at all, no fear. As long as your Mother is with you why should you have any fear. Fear of this, fear of that, “I’m frightened, I can’t do this, I can’t do that,” that children never do. They’ll try everything if you tell them. You should have no fear. I don’t know what fear is. In the same way you should have no fear, no fear of anything. Nothing is going to go wrong with you but don’t do wrong things. If you do wrong things it will repel, it will work out on you. But don’t do wrong things, be straight forward and nothing can harm you, nothing can harm you. We have had so many experiences of this, how everywhere laid down for you, everybody is looking after you. There are so many deities who are working out things out for you. But you have to be, you have to be extremely careful that you do not develop this fear business. Because fear takes you to the left side and once you go to the left side, you know the problems of the left side is. First of all you go against Ganesha, Ganesha is standing at the base of the left. And then you develop cancers, you develop all these things, fear, fear, fear and emotional problems and all these things come. In emotions you should be bubbling with joy, joy is your emotion. In action you should be thoughtless and in ascent you should be surrendered. That’s all, it’s very simple, three mantras are very simple for children, they’re like that...
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