Traxler Counterattack | Italian Game Theory

For extra content and daily exercises, visit my Patreon page: The Traxler Counterattack is losing for black in theory. But… theory is not practice! For the basics of the Italian Game watch this video: For a sounder variation against the Knight Attack (Ng5) for black, watch this video: The Traxler Counterattack is a very aggressive (and a very unsound) way to fight the Knight Attack in the Two Knights Italian. Black just ignores white’s attack on the weakness on f7 and continues development! White has to accept the sacrifice, the only question is whether to take with the bishop or with the knight. As you can see in the video, taking with the bishop is far safer. You win a safe extra pawn and get to tuck your bishop away. This means that white can go up a pawn out of the opening and there is really no compensation for black. Taking with the knight, on the othe
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