Why are cockroaches so hard to kill? - Ameya Gondhalekar

Dig into the genetic adaptations of cockroaches, and find out what makes it so hard to get rid of these tenacious creatures. -- In ancient Egypt, there was a spell that declared, “Be far from me, O vile cockroach.” Thousands of years later, we’re still trying to oust these insects. But from poison traps to brandished slippers, cockroaches seem to weather just about everything we throw at them. So, what makes cockroaches so hard to kill? Ameya Gondhalekar digs into the genetic wonders of this troublingly tenacious creature. Lesson by Ameya Gondhalekar, directed by Irida Zhonga. In order to visualize and dramatize the lives of these fascinating creatures, the artists have chosen to playfully anthropomorphize cockroaches. In real life cockroaches don’t dine like humans, go shopping for organic matter, and most unfortunately, don’t wear lederhosen (at least, to the best of our knowledge). Support Our Non-Profit Mission ---------------------------------------------- Support us on Patreon:
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