Two more pages from the collection, both from Books of Hours, one written and one printed. 1250 handwritten on Vellum in iron gall ink. Exquisitely written with a quill at 1mm xheight. 1520 late incunabula printed Fraktur with beautiful woodblock printed borders. Both with some rubrication in Red and Blue. I tried out the writing so you could get a sense of the level of accuracy needed for the betters but also so that you have an idea of what the base script should be vs what is on the page. It is this kind of thing I find fascinating. We have this absolute idea of a script but it was much more fluid historically. @pascribe @tncaligrafia #pascribe #calligraphy #palaeography #manuscript #vellum #parchment #lapis #rubrics #irongallink #copperplate #pascribescript #pascribegeometry #pointedpen #accuracy #writing #handwriting #handwritten #formal #traditional #flourishing #lecture #workshop #learning
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