Hotchkiss Universal on the PCC Course of Fire

Cool Forgotten Weapons merch! Today I am running a semiauto (SBR) Hotchkiss Universal through my standardized Pistol-Caliber Carbine course of fire. This consists of a selection of cool target systems from MOA Targets - an 8-plate dueling tree, a mini-Mozambique, and a Redneck Star. These will serve to test target transitions, precision shots, and moving targets respectively. The Hotchkiss did better than I expected, but still failed to complete the course. I was unable to clear the mini-Mozambique on the second pass - between the poor sight placement, small aperture, and hard-to-see target, I just ran out of ammunition before I could get the hits on it. Frankly, I was happily surprised to be able to clear that target on the first pass... Final time was 150 seconds with 10 targets left standing. Contact: Forgotten Weapons 6281 N. Oracle #36270 Tucson, AZ 85
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