Biden uncertain whether to lift China tariffs; Chinese officer teases nuclear war with US

⭕️ Sign up for our NEWSLETTER and stay in touch👉 - 💎 Support our work: U.S. aircraft carriers gather in the Indo-Pacific region on a scale not seen since World War II. Would the United States defend Taiwan if China launches an attack? A Chinese officer floats the prospect of #NuclearWar. Chinese aggression is now a hot topic for Japan. In response, the nation is teaming up with allies like the United States and France. No Chinese app, no Winter Olympics—that’s what Beijing has to say for athletes arriving for the Games. They’re required to upload health details to the software–but reports say the platform poses security risks. Another nation labels Beijing’s treatment of Uyghurs in Xinjiang as genocide. The move follows similar declarations from the United States, the UK, Canada, and the Netherlands. 00:00 Intro 01:31 China, Russia, Iran hold military drills 02:48 U.S. aircraft carriers patrol Indo-Pacific 04:03 Japan, U.S. to boost
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