Godvia: The Honorable Patrice Lumumba.

The young charismatic Leader, Hon. Patrice Lumumba, Congo’s first and only ever democratically elected leader. Chosen by his people, for his people took the reins of his young country from the cold death grip of the European, only to be summarily sabotaged and cut down. President Lumumba’s Government is infiltrated, isolated, and decimated with the President’s brutal slaughter. A slaughtering set in motion right under the watching eyes of the “civilized“ world. This cowardly, criminal and savage act is committed by the Klan agencies the , Belgian Government and its front group, the U.N. Today the white world is quick to point out the instability and poor living conditions of the . and its Congolese people. However, they never mention that THEY are the sole culprits for this and today are the sole Beneficiaries of said instability. Minerals within virtually every electronic product in use today to the Uranium used to drop the Atomic bombs on Japan, can all be sourced ba
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