Voice From the Stone || Voice is Real

I’m not a big fan of movies. I am not watching movies at all. BUT, when I saw trailer of Voice from the stone I already knew that this movie I will watch. Because of Emilia Clarke. I think you all know that she’s my crush number one, and just my favorite actress ever. And i wish i have girlfriend like she. Bc she’s perfect. I watched this movie yesterday, and started to make a video immediately. I have been inspired this whole time, and I even didn’t sleep this night. Always thought about Emilia, movie and my video. I don’t know how it is so far, but I hope you will like it. I like it. And this movie. I know, guys, I need to make Daenerys video. and I will. I really want it. But I need to wait when season 7 returns. If you want to help with my creativity - Movie - Voice From the Stone Music - Ask - Vimeo - Twitter - https://tw
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