Otto von Habsburg - Funeral - Singing of the Kaiserhymne

Following 13 days of mourning, the heir to the thrones of the great Austro Hungarian Empire, His Imperial and Royal Highness Archduke Otto of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary, Otto von Hapsburg, was laid to rest in Vienna on 16 July 2011. In scenes recalling the Empire, his coffin was taken in one of the longest processions seen in the old imperial capital to St Stephen’s cathedral where the Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna Christoph Schönborn presided. This video shows the the singing of the Hayden’s Kaiserhymne, the Imperial Hymn. (The tune is well known in the English speaking world from John Newton’s great hymn “Glorious things of thee are spoken/Zion, city of our God.“ The music was subsequently used as the German National Anthem which begins “Deutschland, Deutschland über alles“) His body was first laid in repose in the Church of St. Ulrich in Pöcking, Bavaria, and was then taken by train to Mariazell on 12 July, before being taken by
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