SMALLER WAIST in 14 Days - Easy Home Workout

Today’s workout will help you tone your belly muscles to give you a smaller waist! It’s an easy workout challenge for your belly so I’m sure you’re going to love doing this. Do this everyday for 14 days and prepare to be amazed with the results. Good luck and let’s get started!❤️💪 **If you want to be notified when I upload a new video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. I upload new videos everyday from Sunday to Friday! TIMECODES: 00:00 Diagonal Abs Right 00:47 Diagonal Abs Left 01:35 Body Rotations 02:23 Rest 02:55 Knee Tuck Crunch 03:46 Rest 04:23 Leg Drops 05:12 Rest 05:49 Oblique Twist Squat 06:47 Rest 07:29 Scissor Kicks 08:07 Rest 08:49 Reverse Crunch Extension 09:28 Rest 10:10 Side Leg Raise Right 10:56 Side Leg Raise Left 11:41 Rest 12:23 Side Plank Pulse Left 12:54 Side Plank Pulse Right 13:25 Rest 14:12 Jumping Jacks 15:03 Rest 15:45 Hip Swirls 16:26 Re
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