Chesapeake Light Craft’s Cocktail Class Racer Kit

The Cocktail Class Racing Association has invited Chesapeake Light Craft to create a kit for this almost impossibly nifty 8-footer. Working with Keith Carew from the Farr Yacht Design office, we have updated the 1939 design for stitch-and-glue construction. The hull can be assembled from a CNC-cut kit in an hour or two (!), ready for epoxy and fiberglass. Total project time is less than 80 hours. Class rules mandate the use of an older 6hp outboard, which keeps the cost down and, as you can see, still propels the boat fast enough to give the 225hp chase boat a good race. This CLC prototype, built by the Edmonds family, was being filmed in this instance for the History Channel show, “Modern Marvels.“ Read more here:
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