Наездник Clistopyga sp. упаковывает парализованного паука в его собственную паутину
This video demonstrates how Clistopyga sp. seals an opening in the silken nest of its paralysed spider host with its ovipositor working like a felting needle. Fibres of silk attaching to the serrated tip of the ovipositor during the upstrokes can clearly be seen in slow motion (10% speed) at 01:03 min. Video by Niclas R. Fritzén. This research was published on 10 Aug. 2016 in the journal Biology Letters in the paper: Spider silk felting – functional morphology of the ovipositor tip of Clistopyga sp. (Ichneu
8 years ago 00:02:12 52
Наездник Clistopyga sp. упаковывает парализованного паука в его собственную паутину