facebook/charlie osceola Please Watch in HD. This film is for the die hard fans of Splatterhouse. I wanted to give them a taste of what an actual Splatterhouse movie would be like. I put some love in this piece and I hope the fans will like it. I used the mask from the new game and the look. Returning from the past games to battle the new Rick is the bore worm from sh3. I introduced a doppleganger for biggy man or piggy man ,which ever you like, dubbed “packaged meat man“ for his brown paper bag exterior looking much like meat packaged at the butcher shop. The budget for the film was in the hundreds. Imagine if we had millions. I had great crew working with me on this and I appreciate all the guys. Bill Gaeble (Rick) was great to work with. He did everything he could to add the the film. even putting in some overtime. so thanks Bill. Bill dose modeling and video work check him out at myspace. com/StrictlyBusinessforme
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