Genary Korganov - Arabesque Op. 6, No. 4

Genary Korganov (1858 - 1890) was a Russian composer of Armenian descent. He studied in St. Petersburg under Carl Reinecke, Salomon Jadassohn, Ernst Wenzel, and Louis Brassin. His works are influenced by Rimsky-Korsakov and Tchaikovsky. This one is the 4th of 12 Arabesques, and the 2nd I’ve played from the set. I found difficulties in finding a good balance of rubato. And the pedal combined with the written ornaments proved challenging to keep clean, too. One of my teachers once said, the amount of pedal you use depends greatly on the acoustics of the space you’re playing in. Too much reverb and you want to use less pedal, and vice versa. Given that I often play on a keyboard these days, maybe I can mess with the reverb settings to get a good shall see. Sheet music: ,(Korganov,_Genary)
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