DrobyshevskyKarateSystem: Heian Shodan-Combat Bunkai-5-Hidari Oi Zuki- Fast Stick Disarm
Bunkai Heian Shodan in Action! Hidari Oi Zuki for Stick Defense, Stick Disarm and Atemi.
Oi Zuki - 追い突き- Lunge Punch or Punch with step forward and punch with the hand on the same side as the step. This video will help you understand the purpose and mechanics of the work of the basic punch Karate Shotokan - Oi Zuki. This version of the counter-attack confirms two well-known sayings: “The stick always has two ends“.
WARNING: Practice at your own risk! NONE of this is legal advice, you and you alone are reponsible for your own actions and the choices you make!
AUTHOR BUNKAI-Konstantin Drobyshevsky, Chief Instructor of Drobishevsky Karate System International:
KYU BUNKAI TEST perform Anna Lapina. RUSSIA, the city of Vladimir, the School of Martial Arts: Sport Club “Gladiator“:
2 years ago 00:02:07 11
DrobyshevskyKarateSystem: Heian Shodan-Combat Bunkai-5-Hidari Oi Zuki- Fast Stick Disarm