Honey Gourami Fun Facts

Honey Gourami Fun Facts: The Honey Gourami is found in South Asian regions like Assam, Manipur in India and also from Nepal and Bangladesh. The Honey Gourami is also known as the Honey Dwarf Gourami, Sunset Gourami, Red Flame Honey Gourami, Dwarf Fire Gourami etc. The Honey Gourami gets the name because of its Light brown to yellow color that looks like honey. The Honey Gourami like other Gouramis is a labyrinth fish. Meaning they have a labyrinth organ which helps them take in oxygen from the surface of water. The Honey Gourami is a peaceful fish that adapts to a range of water conditions and temperatures and so is a very suitable beginner fish for new aquarists. The female Honey Gouramis are slightly paler than the males. The male Honey Gouramis can grow up to 3 inches and the females up to 2 inches in size. The Honey Gouramis can live up to 4 to 6 years in proper care. References:
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