Yangtse Heroes (1949)

Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material. Title reads: “First Films - Shelled British Ships Reach Shanghai!“ American voiceovered newsreel material. Shanghai, China. LV GV Elevated Shanghai waterfront. LV Elevated Shanghai street crowded with rickshaws and motor vehicles. SV Towards coolie pulling rickshaw in Shanghai street. LV Elevated GV Bridges crossing Yangtse River. LV Cruiser HMS London lying alongside Shanghai harbour SV The “London“ in dock. SV Pan “London’s“ hull showing shell holes. CU Lifebelt - “HMS London“ - officers only’. SV Towards and pan of the “London’s“ captain, Peter Cazalet leaving cabin and walking on deck. CU Captain Cazalet talking to reporter. CU Pan shell holes in “London’s“ hull. CU Shell hole in “London’s“ hull. Sailors looking out of portholes LV Destroyer “. Consort“ and Sloop “Black Swan“ lying alongside. SV Sailor looking at lifebelt inscribed “. Consort“. SV Hole in “Consort’s“ hull. CU Shell hole in “Consort’s“ side plugged with hammocks.
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