PRE-BIRTH EXPERIENCE, Life Between Lives, Why We REINCARNATE & Is Free Will REAL? | Melissa Denyce
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Melissa Denyce was born with pre-birth memories of divine light, and spent her early years searching for answers. At 19 she had a spiritually transformative experience, in which she awakened into a direct encounter of the love, light, and bliss that she remembered from before.
Now Melissa has made it her life’s mission to share divine love with others in a way that is easy to understand and experience. She shares her own teachings, and interviews other spiritual experiencers and conscious influencers on her YouTube channel, Love Covered Life Podcast. Her joy is to help people know and experience that God is love and that God is within them.
Please enjoy my conversation with Melissa Denyce.
0:00 - Episode Teaser
1:07 - Life prior to spiritual awakening
4:09 - Spiritual awakening experience
5:53 - How do we get into our spiritual awakening?
11:09 - Earliest pre-birth memory
15:08 - Memory of planning incarnation
20:15 - Sense of intention or purpose
21:30 - Why do we forget our past lives?
25:38 - The gift of memory
28:52 - Do we learn on the other side?
32:13 - How did the people accept the new Melissa?
45:42 - NDE Story
57:55 - Living a fulfilled life
58:17 - Advice to young Melissa
58:29 - Definition of God
58:54 - Ultimate purpose of life
59:20 - Melissa’s work
59:24 - Final message
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The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Next Level Soul, its subsidiaries, or any entities they represent.
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