Eugenics in USSR (Society of the Future)

In the last short I was talking about Nazi regime which considered that life was a matter of survival of the fittest. Concepts such as equality and justice were creations of ‘inferior’ groups designed to weaken the true, pure stock of the ‘master race’ or Aryans. Eugenic theory took a different tack in the Soviet Union where the goal was, not the perfection of a specific race, but the perfection of humanity as a whole - it was idea of the Internationalism as oppose to Nazi Nationalism. There was early USSR resistance to the Darwinian theory of “survival of the fittest,” citing early scientists who found that, in the harsh Siberian climate “sociability is as much a law of nature as mutual struggle.” So what is a Communism? - It is a classless social system with one form of public ownership of the means of production and with full social equality of all members of society where no one left behind. #NikolaysGeneticsLessons #communism #diplomaticRelations #cuba #UnitedStates #politicalPhilosophy #KarlMarx #Lenin #FriedrichEngels #coldWar #whatIsCommunism #socioeconomicSystem #meansOfProduction #marxism #germanPhilosophers #socialism #socialismVsCommunism #testtube #testTube #evanPuschak #News #Russia #CubaUSRelations #fidelCastro #RaulCastro #presidentObama #communismExplained #whatIsMarxism #differenceBetweenSocialismAndCommunism #eugenics #Putin
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