Donizetti: Una furtiva lagrima | L’Elisir d’Amore • John Fisher Masterclass • Snape Maltings

Josh Lovell (Nemorino - tenor) and Michael Leach (piano) work with John Fisher on bel canto line and singing in Italian. Filmed at Aldeburgh Festival 2018, as part of a series of masterclasses on the Britten–Pears Young Artist Programme with John Fisher, Julia Faulkner and Matthew Rose. Find out more about courses: The Britten–Pears Young Artist Programme is generously supported by the Britten–Pears Foundation, ENOA (co-funded by Creative Europe Progrmme of the European Union) and the Leverhulme Trust. Student bursaries are supported by the Cedar Trust, Geoffrey Collens, Haskel Family Charities and the Viola Tunnard Trust.
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