Scratch capybara, but peafowl peck my hand (クジャクがカピバラナデナデを妨害)

When I was enjoying to scratch a capybara, peafowl was caming and peck my hand and capybara. So capybara ran away with surprise. My hand aches :-p I took this video Shibukawa zoo in Okayama Pref. Japan By the way, do you want to watch my video without capybara, but with other animals(like guinea pig, meerkat, goat). I taked there video in Japanese zoo and aquarium and upload only Japanese video cite. Many Japanese enjoy them, I think. Comment please. 岡山県渋川動物園での撮影です。ここは、ウサギやニワトリ、カメなど色々な動物と一緒にカピバラがいて、その大きさゆ
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