Raymond Murphy ’Let the Language speak for itself’

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of ‘English Grammar in Use’, one of the world’s favourite English textbooks, the British Council and Cambridge University Press invited the author Raymond Murphy to host a talk at the Margarita Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature in Moscow. Raymond Murphy shared his perspective on challenges in teaching and learning, and how the use of grammatical terminology is not always as helpful as we imagine. The event was held as part of the UK-Russia Year of Language and Literature 2016. Лекция Реймонда Мёрфи, автора знаменитого учебника “Grammar in Use“, организованная Британским Советом в России и Cambridge University Press Russia в рамках Года языка и литературы Великобритании и России 2016 #YoLL2016
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