Ayushya Suktam - Mantra for Health - Dr.R. Thiagarajan
Ayushya Suktam - Mantra for Health - Dr.R. Thiagarajan
This Sukta is from Yajurveda to ensure long health and remedy incase any change in health occurs. This is employed in recitation and as formulas for homa going in the name of ‘Ayushya Homa. It is worthwhile to know the text to help the discussion’. Hence the text is reproduced here for the benefit of those who like to have access to the mantras in original.
There are positive experiences owing to the Upasana of the Health of the devotees get maintained and in case difference occurs it would be redressed. The mantras of the sukta are to follow thus.
Yo brahma brahmana ujjabhara pranaih sirah kruttivasah pinaki
Isano devah sa na ayurdadhatu tasmai juhomi havisha ghrutena..
Vibrajamanah sarirasya madhyatrocamano gharma rucirya aagat
samrutyupasa napanudya ghoran ihayusheno ghruta mattu devah.
Bhramha jyotir bhrahmapatnishu garbham yamadadhat puru
rupam jayantam suvarnarambha grahamarka marcyam tamayushe vardhayamo ghrutena..
Shriyam lakshmi maubala mambikam gam shashtim ca yaamindrasenetyudahuh
tam vidyam brhamayonigum sarupa mihayushe tarpayamo ghrutena.
Daakshayanyah sarvayonyah sa yonyah sahasraso visvarupa
virupa sasunavah sapatayah sayuthya ayusheno ghrutamidam jushantam.
Divyaganah bahurupa puranah ayuschido nah pramathnantuviran
tebhyo juhomi bahudha ghrutena manah prajagum ririsho mo ta viran.
Ekah purastat ya idam babhuva yato babhuva bhuvanasya gopah yamapyeti bhuvanagum samparayae sa no havir ghrutamihayushe
attu devah!
Vasun rudran adityan marutotha sadhyan yakshan gandharvagumscangiraso sarvan ghrutagum hutva svayushya mahayama sasvat.
Vishno tvam antamas sarma yaccha sahantya Vratedharaa madhuscyuta utsam duhrate akshitam.
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