[ArcheWorld] The Adventure of Moa: 2. Housing & Craft

Hi everyone! This is Moa. To fully enjoy the ArcheWorld, Housing and Craft would be the most important contents! In this video, Moa will guide you how to rent a Land, build a house, craft materials and earn BSLT! Are you ready? Let’s go! [Links] Join ArcheWorld: ArcheWorld Discord: #아키월드 #ArcheWorld #nft #nftgame #nftgames #playandearn #PanduanArcheWorld #ArcheWorld指南 #คำแนะนำArcheWorld #nftcommunity #nftgaming #Archeworldingame #블록체인 #암호화폐 #kaikas #metamask #metamasktutorial #카이카스 #메타마스크
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