Акафіст до Ісуса Христа ✝️ Prayer to Jesus Christ

Акафіст до Господа і Спасителя Ісуса Христа. Виконують монахи студити (Унівські ченці студитського чину), Української Греко-Католицької Церкви (УГКЦ). Akathist (hymn, prayer) to Jesus Christ in Ukrainian language. Performed by monks of studite order (of Univ monastery in west Ukraine) of Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church. Jesus Christ - God the Son, Second Person of the Holy Trinity, who lived among men and suffered on the cross to save mankind. Here is the full text available: Also here: You can use Google Translate (Ukrainian to English or to any language you like) to get translation. #Ukrainianchants #Молитви
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