零垃圾生活 Zero Trash in Life | 鄭鳳雲 Tin Fong Yun | TEDxPetalingStreet

鄭鳳雲自閱讀《環保一年不會死》後,決定在今年展開零垃圾生活。零垃圾生活是一個尋找生活替代品的過程,這不僅省下金錢,還能減少垃圾的產生。 After reading the book “No Impact Man”, Aurora Tin made a resolution to live a Zero Waste lifestyle starting this year. The Zero Waste lifestyle is all about finding alternatives to plastic containers and products that cannot be reused or recycled. Besides saving money, it also greatly reduces the rate of waste generation. 受到一户美国家庭启发,郑凤云自2016年展开零垃圾生活实验,为生活中每一个会产生垃圾的行为及物品寻找替代方案。也是专栏作者的她,曾在美国大自然保护协会北京办事处担任实习生,参与中国的淡水项目计划;回马后担任报章专题记者,专注撰写环
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