CREEPY TORNADO SIREN - Dodge City Twin Tornadoes 5-24-16

Twin tornadoes heading into the Dodge City Kansas area while tornado warning sirens blare on May 24, 2016. This is Part 3 in a three part series documenting this extraordinary tornado outbreak. Over a dozen tornadoes including 2 EF3’s and one EF2 touched down near Dodge City. No fatalities occurred and two victims with critical injuries were eventually released from the hospital. To license tornado video in 4K contact hankschyma@ The average tornado victim doesn’t follow radar apps and forecast tools all day, rather they are going about their daily business when tornado warnings are issued. Most people seek shelter and then information but some take to the streets disoriented, desperate to check on loved ones and property. Others take to the streets to assist, spot and report, while others try to catch their glimpse of the rare phenomenon occurring. Near tornadoes, drivers eyes are often drawn to the sky in search of danger rather than focusing on traffic. This makes chasing tornadoes through po
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