ESP8266+3.5“ TFT Internet Weather Station - Final version

Features: - cheap 240x400 3.5“ parallel 8-bit TFT LCD (ILI9327) - any ESP8266 with at least 11 GPIOs available (WEMOS D1 mini used here) - finally all ESP8266 GPIOs are used - 3 RRE fonts - nice small (40x40) and big color (128x128) icons, 18 per set - a lot of data displayed on one 240x400 screen, looks little crowded :) - own ILI9327 library for ESP8266 and STM32 - own JSON stream parsing functions - simple daily/hourly temperature and precipitation graph - all weather data taken from OpenWeatherMap - air quality index based on PM2.5 taken from - daily/hourly forecast Connections: LCD_RD connected permanently to VCC LCD_WR 14 LCD_RS 15 LCD_CS connected permanently to GND LCD_RESET 16 LCD_D0 0 LCD_D1 1 LCD_D2 2 LCD_D3 3 LCD_D4 4 LCD_D5 5 LCD_D6 12 LCD_D7 13 So finally all available ESP8266 GPIOs are used to control 8-bit parallel LCD. In early attempts I tried to get rid of RESET by connecting this pin to ESP reset line or VCC but such solution wasn’t reliable. Modern TFTs
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