Hip fracture is not the end for Syavatip tricking ● Перелом бедра это не крест на трикинге

Who is a true hero? Our answer is the one who returns on his path no matter what. Hero is not the one who never falls, not the one who better than others and not the one who always wins. It’s the one who never gives up and continues his growth despite the odds. Slava Kistankin is one of the best world’s trickers, but anyone can stumble. We are all just humans, anything can happen. He got an injury of the thign (hip) of the lead foot and... And he’s going to come back to world of tricking. And we will show his returning and how he’ll become even stronger than before. We have no doubts! Support Syavatip: 4276 3100 1511 5480 Viacheslav Nikolaevich Kistankin ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Кто такой настоящий герой? Наш ответ — тот кто возвращается на свой путь не смотря ни на что. Герой не тот кто никогда не п
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