Twelfth Doctor and Bill - Mirrors

Hey everyone! After the first episode of Season 10, Bill has really grew on me. I didn’t like her that much in the short Introduction video because the dialogue was waaay to cheesy. Now she’s just incredibly relatable and gorgeous! I might even believe it was not actually Moffat who wrote that childish dialogue in the video.. (the intro I’m talking about is ) Bill’s story with Heather is, even after all those cheesy effects, really going somewhere I think. Maybe Bill/Pearl will leave the show after she has found Heather. How great would it be if we saw Clara again? Because seriously, it seems like Moffat has plotted the entire series arc around Bill looking for Heather which is basically a mirror for Twelve looking for Clara. Anyway, I’ve got high hopes for this season. Still miss Clara so much though. Just.. The way we could Twelve VIBRATE around her. He was so happy and fulfilled and just enjoying life. Something is empty
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