Preemptive Clinch Control - Fit to Fight® Fix

This is a clip from one of the Full Tilt seminars this year at Central Penn Krav Maga. Amber’s session, titled Prempt and Prevail, covered options from the fence position to get control or strike first. The option she covers here uses the clinch control as a strike a gives opportunities to move through different ranges of the fight. As with anything, this is an option. It may not be the right tool for you or the situation. If you are a premium access member, you’ll have access to this recording soon! You may even already have Eli and Ryan’s sessions! If you aren’t a premium access member, you’re missing out! ---------- The Fit to Fight® Republic is a growing of like-minded martial artists searching for truth and realism in an industry currently dominated by cheap tricks and technique collectors. Follow us on Facebook for more: Get Digital Training:
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