Phal. (javanica × LD’s Bear King) × LD’s Bear King ’RK6’
It is registered and named Phal. Miki Java Empire at RHS in 2018/12/24.
It’s a hybrid with excellent flower type. The color and red patches of the flower changes greatly. It’s waxy petals, aroma and it blooms on the same shoots in a row. Some of them inherit the elliptic-obovate leaves of Phal. javanica
此品已於2019/5/14登錄於RHS,登錄名: Phal. Miki Java Empire。
實生苗,花色及塊狀斑紋變化大、蠟質花瓣、有香味、續花性、好花率高,有的葉片承襲Phal. javanica呈卵狀橢圓形。
Miki Orchid official webs