Canoeing daredevils battle the rapids in Austria (1947)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit On Austia’s Salza River and also in South Germany, canoe experts battle dangerous waters in races that demonstrate both skill and speed, and many of them flip over Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Canoeing Daredevils in Austria AUSTRIA: Salza River: EXT Austria. Canoeing daredevils in Austria. Good canoeing shots CANOES Canoeing Daredevils in Austria on the Salza River. won by Champion from Vienna. Good canoe shots CANOES Steeplechase of the river in South Germany Ships and Boats; Stunts postwar, peacetime, contest, competition, boating, capsize, white water rafting, shooting the rapids Background: On Austia’s Salza River and also in South Germany, canoe experts battle dangerous waters in races that demonstrate both skill and speed, and many of them flip over FILM ID: VLVACOWKNGGP06WGZE2UV2NHRA3HM To license this film,
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