Memorization Tactics for Freemasons

Learn how to memorize long presentations quickly with these tips and tricks. It’s no secret that Freemasons have to memorize large amounts of text for their meetings. Since the text was written hundreds of years ago, it doesn’t always sound familiar to our current way of speaking, which makes it even harder to remember. For example, remembering a charge written by Master Mason Paul Revere back in the year 1795 can be a challenge. Please feel welcome to show this video as an educational piece for your next lodge meeting. This presentation has been given live for several lodges around the Chicago area, and by making it available through YouTube, you can just project the video on a screen so your lodge can learn from it. Using the tactics discussed in this short video, you learn how to make the memorization process easier. You’ll even see specific examples used in memorizing the Paul Revere Charge. Learn to memorize the rituals faster and perform better at your degrees. This vide
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