Devoxx Ukraine 2019: Slow Down To Go Faster Than Ever, But How? - Lemi Orhan Ergin

Devoxx Ukraine 2020 becomes a FREE ONLINE event 6-7th of November Kyiv, Ukraine Registration: Software development has evolved so quickly throughout the years. New tools, methodologies, practices, even new disciplines and principles have been introduced. From single individuals to tens of inter-connected development teams, from co-located teams to fully-remote distributed teams, software development professionals have developed new ways of doing their professions to achieve one single target: Building successful products. Regardless of the technologies we use and the structures we build, our biggest challenge remain still: Catching deadlines, building high-qualified software that lasts long and being in the market earlier than our competitors. Going fast without control could be the biggest enemy of software development. After working as Agile Practice Lead for years and touching hundreds of teams in my career, I now believe the only way to go fast is going slow efficiently
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