fheroes2 project with Quick Combat, View World and fast stack splitting functions!

Every month the game engine becomes better, faster and higher quality! You can have a chance to try release where fheroes 2 team fixed a lot of issues and added something new to the game: Buy GOG Games and support Heroes 3.5 Portal via this link: - option of instant battle where you can finally skip boring and extremely easy battles saving your time was added (time 08:50) - window resizing on SDL 2 was included in the release allowing users to choose any resolution and still play in a windowed mode (time 00:12) - AI has become even more craftier and smarter! Be ready to face it on the map and during battles! - “View World” feature was added which was demanded by many players. There are some polish actions required but you can fully use the feature without issues (time 03:07) - the team completed implementation of fast unit splitting with mouse: now you can master a new way and immediately sort all your troops with just few clicks (time 06:29) Heroes 3.5 Portal Memb
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