【playlist】夜の自分時間にしっとり聴きたいBGM/Music For Stress Relief, Relax, Coffee

すべての仕事を終えて、夜ゆっくりと過ごす自分時間。 そんな時に聴きたい穏やかで優しい曲をセレクトしました。 素敵な夜を!^^ After all the work is done, it’s time to relax and spend time with yourself. I have selected some gentle and peaceful songs to listen to at such times. 0:00 Midnight in Carmel - Wendy Marcini 3:34 Moments Passing By - Wendy Marcini 6:09 I Saw Three Ships - Roots and Recognition 8:24 Moving Forward - Rikard From 10:30 Nights - Sebastian Winskog 12:37 Supposing - Infinity Ripple 15:44 April in Detroit - David Celeste 18:51 Meadow - Sebastian Winskog 21:35 Meet Me When the Snow Falls - Wendy Marcini 24:29 Japanese Dawn - Daniel Kaede 27:10 Dawnlight - Helmut Schenker 30:15 Waiting for Spring - Wanderer’s Trove 33:55 Dancing in the Rain - Johannes Bornlof 36:36 Devoted 39:23 Forever on My Mind - David Celeste ■著書本「今日もコーヒーを淹れて」 ■Coffee shop ■instagram  ■HP(Blog) ■facebook  Music Epidemic sound #playlist   #夜BGM #癒しBGM
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