240215 Tumbler Exercise

240215-Tumbler Exercise Keep your feet steady and draw circles horizontally. 1. Stimulate the water energy of the kidney to balance the fire energy of the heart, and help you calm down. 2. Stimulate spleen meridians and improve digestion function. 3-5 minutes each side You will automatically focus all your attention on your feet as you practice. When you focus your mind on your feet, Qi and blood will also converge towards your feet, and you will feel warmth in your feet and calves. The soles of the feet are governed by the kidney meridians; the calves are governed by the spleen meridians. When you feel your feet are warm, the fire in your heart has been guided down to your feet, and the water in your kidneys has been stimulated up to your head. All of this happens in a short period of time. The key is to keep your feet warm. When you turn your body, the meridians in your calves will be touched, enhancing spleen function and helping you digest better. Please keep practicing and you will improve. The body is an intelligent system, and we must learn to use it correctly. If you want to truly get healthy but are busy and don’t have time, we recommend you learn the following courses 1. 56mins Daily Routine • Full Body Practice. (Systematic exercise of the body) 2. 60mins Acupoint Vibration • Full Body Patting. (Acupoint energy vibration enhances self-healing power) 3. 30mins Evening Routine • Good Sleep. (Enhance mental energy and inner peace) #wudang #taichi #qigong #ancientselfcare #health #chineseculture #tcm #heathylifestyle #exercise #stretching #relax #meridian #foryou #kidney #heart #calm #spleen #digestion
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