.: Rationing In America (1946)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Rationing In America. Full Description: . CU showing ration book. SV angle shot printing machine printing out ration books. SV printing machine printing out ration books. CU stamps on machine. CU pushing books into cutting machine. CU machine cutting up books. SV girl packing books into boxes. SV boxes stacked up. SV people receiving ration books. CU girl pan down to woman signing book. SV types receiving ration books. CU type examining card. FCU type examining ration book. SV farmer starting old car and moves off. GV pan oil fields. SV cars parked in front of building. LV pan oil fields and cars parked. SV oil fields and cars parked. SV int. people queuing at petrol rationing office. SV two men at desk signing cards. SV two men leave office. LV men inspecting oil well. CU man in car asking for petrol. LV petrol station in oil fields. LV small car draws up and sto
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