China’s High-tech Weapons Shot Down B-21 Bomber In War Games

China’s High-tech Weapons Shot Down B-21 Bomber In War Games A research team affiliated with a Chinese academic journal conducted a simulation in which Chinese forces were able to detect and shoot down a stealth platform similar to the B21. The simulation highlighted the potential of AI in air combat, but was met with skepticism regarding the miniaturized radar and IRST technologies claimed by Chinese media. The credibility of such claims should be assessed with caution and scrutiny. Chinese military air combat simulation and stealth technologies The Chinese academic journal CICA focuses on aeronautics and astronautics research. A research team conducted a simulation in which Chinese forces could spot and shoot down a stealth aircraft similar to the B21. Professional military air combat simulations must be highly accurate and realistic to train pilots in real combat conditions. Military simulations and advanced technology: key points Flight controls are connected to simulation
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