【如今我信靠 / In God We Trust】Live Worship - 約書亞樂團、曾晨恩

#歡迎追蹤並且分享我們的音樂 #約書亞樂團 #如今我信靠 敬拜畫面►台北靈糧堂青年牧區 ● Holywood影視團隊 完整敬拜► 如今我信靠 / In God We Trust 詞曲 Written:Ben Fielding、Reuben Morgan、Eric Liljero 主領 Worship Leader :曾晨恩 Yosifu Tseng、曹之懿 Isabelle Tsao 中譯詞 Translator:周巽光 Ewen Chow 編曲 Arranger:孫立衡 Peter Sun ﹥Verse 1 被擊倒卻不羞愧 Overwhelmed but I won’t break 被攻擊卻仍跟隨 Through the battle I will say 祢有足夠恩典 Your grace will be enough 祢有足夠恩典 Your grace will be enough 被試煉卻不跌倒 Under fire but we won’t fall 被孤立卻不動搖 We will never be alone 我宣揚祢真好 You’ll always be enough 我宣揚祢真好 You’ll always be enough ﹥Chorus 如今我信靠 Now in God we trust 盼望中知道 In His Name we hope 我神 永遠都不動搖 I know God will not be shaken 神與我同在 God is here with us 祂全然得勝 He’s already won 我神 永遠都不動搖 (永遠都不動搖) I know God will not be shaken (will not be shaken) ﹥Verse 2 我們跟隨祢腳步 We will follow where You go 在未知中仍信靠 We will trust through the unknown 祢預備我道路 I know You go before 祢預備我道路 I know You go before 讓我為祢名站立 Lead my heart now in Your ways 使我合乎祢心意 For we’re carrying Your Name 祢應許都堅定 Your promise never fails 祢應許都堅定 Your promise never fails ﹥Bridge 祢開始就必成就 You’ll finish what You’ve begun 我剛強在祢愛中 Forever strong in Your love 祢名穩妥 Your Name is sure 祢為我們爭戰 And You will fight for us 盼望永遠不失落 Our hope forever secure 在祢手中 In You alone - 奉獻 Asia for JESUS/ 約書亞樂團事工 聯繫約書亞樂團: - 這裡可以找到我們! YouTube▸ Apple Music▸ Spotify▸ KKBOX▸ My Music▸ friDay音樂▸ LINE MUSIC▸ - 異象工場官方商城▸ 約書亞樂團官網▸ 約書亞樂團Facebook▸ 約書亞樂團Instagram▸ 約書亞樂團微博▸ 約書亞樂團微信▸joshuaband
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