Move Naturally With Erwan Le Corre | Ed Paget

Movement is one of the pillars of increasing one’s healthspan, which ultimately will secure happiness and longevity in a lifespan. There are several ways to become healthier through movement like going to the gym, lifting weights, playing a sport, doing yoga, etc. Yet, not everybody knows the functionality exercise brings to our bodies; sure we can lose weight and build muscle, but the real meaning of movement is to secure survival; after all, humans beings are animals, and through thousands of years of evolution our bodies have been equipped to respond to danger and adapt to nature. The body needs to move the way it is designed; otherwise, it breaks down. The loss of a healthy upright posture is the most visible effect of aging. Until you reconnect with your body’s natural movement abilities – everything from getting out of bed to moving furniture, to playing with your children feels different. You will be astonished at how your body responds to practicing its natural movements. But what
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