Women Munition Workers (1914-1918)

Women Munition Workers. Location of events unknown - somewhere in Britain, could be Bradford, Yorkshire? Great film of women war workers at Phoenix munitions factory. (Much of this footage is duplicated on Pathe ON 240 D; but there is also much additional here.) Funny shot - man walks along row of terraced houses & taps on upper windows w/ very long stick. Wake up. Some windows open. Women workers walk past long low brick factory building; hurry through door. Next; nurses tend babies in cots - on-site creche / day-care! CU 1 nurse holds baby; other talks to it. CU woman worker uses tools to check measurements of shells. ECU form where she marks Good; Repair; or Scrap. Woman shows cylinder; puts it in machine; shows shell again w/ ridge on end. Various shots women machine operators; singly or in groups. More checking: pan left row of women at counter. CU 1 checker demonstrates all different tests Next; exterior: horse-drawn wagon; pan to another; w/ crate lowered by hook. CU Woman machine o
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