Waiting for the temporary event

Organize online events, periodic or temporary, controlled and set with the user’s internal time clock. Waiting for the temporary event REVIEW & RETROSPECTIVES 2023 A look back at the main digital projects and activities of Brainwave-JCP (aka Joël Caserus), in the form of images, voices, and video, in a PDF document converted into a Live Book and FlipBook. 2023: Development of participatory events, using new and advanced technologies, hardware and software, such as Web 3.0 technology, alternative realities (AR/VR/XR), Metaverse, computer vision ( VO), bio and neuro-feedback, brain-computer interfaces (BCI), and in particular in 2023, having devoted itself more particularly to AI and its latest advances since the end of 2022. In the objectives, in AI, to be able to breathe new life into all its digital content, past and future, as well as in new communication strategies, in immersion and interactivity. The temporary advent: as of January 1, 2024 Soon online !!! L
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